I'm going to try this new thing

                                            Datum: 2009-02-20 Tid: 23:13:51 Kategori: Vardagslyx
Hey guys!

Well, today I'm in a such good mood that I'm dying for to tell you about. It's just such a great thing and I think that you will be very thrilled to hear about it.
My very best friend Anton has started to write his blog in english, and it's a such great blog so I think I might do it myself.

But that is not the only great thing that he has inspired me for. As you all know I don't like me body as I maybe should. He has started with an amazing diet and now I'm going to try it myself. I'm such a copycat. ._______.

Next week he'll make a dietplan for me and that means that I'm not supposed to eat as much as I do now. (Because I'm such a fatass and I'm eating all the time..)

From next week I'll not eat any carbohydrates and that will make my body look gorgeous. (My body is gorgeous now, but it can be any more gorgeous, - if it's possible!)

That's all for today and I will update you on my weightloss when it happens! - If it happens! :O
xoxo gossip girl

Weight now = 42 kilos
Weight goal = 29 kilos

Lenght = 164 cm
3 kommentarer                                                                                                                    
  Antonio Banderas

Amazing is with a Z and I think that you probably should write it like this:

Next week he'll make me a dietplan and that means...and so on.

Other than that, I think it's flawless for the moment =)

2009-02-20 l 23:36:34

no Carbons haha ur gonna die girl, satop with tha sugar instead because thats whats making u fat

2009-02-21 l 12:36:30

Skojar du eller? Vill du väga 29 kilo?! Hoppas INTE det för det är alldeles för lite.. 42 med om det nu är vad du väger nu! It's not good tänk på lille Nelly, hon vill ju ha någon att gosa med :)

2009-02-21 l 15:18:26
Blogg/hemsida: http://maliinwe.blogg.se/
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